Kivett Productions created two Card Stunts with 33,000 Roughriders fans for the first game at the new Mosaic Stadium on September 4, 2017. The Card Stunts were produced by Kivett Productions and Captive and sponsored by Mosaic.
Kivett Productions created two Card Stunts with 33,000 Roughriders fans for the first game at the new Mosaic Stadium on September 4, 2017. The Card Stunts were produced by Kivett Productions and Captive and sponsored by Mosaic.
‘Pink Out’ at Miller Park. The Brewers host “Pink Out” day at Miller Park to raise awareness and funding for breast cancer research and prevention
As part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, 65,000 Patriots Fans created a Stadium Card Stunt to promote Breast Cancer Awareness at Gillette Stadium. The card stunt was part of the NFL’s “A Crucial Catch” campaign to promote early detection of Breast Cancer. The card stunt was produced by Kivett Production along with the New England Patriots.