Traditional Card Stunts
The Traditional Card Stunt is for clients who are looking for a big card stunt with a big broad message or image. For the Traditional Card Stunt, each card is a solid color or pixel, and together the pixels create the image. When two Traditional Card Stunts are created for one event, both sides of the cards are used. During Traditional Card Stunts, the audience holds the card vertically in front of their face and looks through a rectangle that is cut into the card. Traditional Card Stunts have the lowest cost per card.
Billboard Card Stunts with Paper Cards
Billboard Card Stunts with Paper Cards are for clients who want to create a very detailed card stunt design on a smaller scale. For Billboard Card Stunts, the design is imported into a computer, divided up into tiny rectangles, and then one image file is created for each card. Each image file is then printed onto rectangular pieces of paper. A viewing rectangle is cut into each card. For Billboard Card Stunts with Paper Cards, the cards can be folded in half and taped to the seats in the venue. The card holders hold the cards in front of their face to form the image; each card becomes a “puzzle piece.”
Billboard Card Stunts with Rigid Cards
Billboard Card Stunts with Rigid Cards are for clients who want to create a very detailed card stunt image on a small scale, and they want to perform the stunt on a flat, horizontal surface (basketball court, parking lot, field, etc.). For Billboard Card Stunts, the design is imported into a computer, divided up into tiny rectangles, and then one image file is created for each card. Each image file is then printed onto a rectangular rigid substrate like Coroplast or Foam Board. The card holders hold the cards above their head to form the image; each card becomes a “puzzle piece.” For Billboard Card Stunts with Rigid Cards, it is best to have preselected card holders that can be rehearsed prior to the card stunt.
The first step in the Card Stunt process is to build the venue-seating configuration in a computer using Kivett Productions’ exclusive card stunt software. In order to do this, the following items are required: a seating diagram, a seating manifest and digital photographs of the sections being used for the card stunt. The seating diagram is also referred to as a seating chart. The seating manifest is usually an Excel document that indicates exactly how many rows are in each section and how many seats are in each row. This document is used by the ticket office to print tickets and can usually be obtained by contacting the venue’s Ticket Manager. Digital photographs should be taken looking at the seating areas straight on, and they should be wide enough to show all sections included in the stunt. For full stadium card stunts, photographs of both sidelines and both end zones are needed.
The designs are created based on the client’s input. It is helpful to have all necessary style guides, logos and PMS colors prior to starting the design process. The design team creates multiple designs during the first round and then creates additional designs based on the client’s feedback. For traditional card stunts it is best to have big and bold words or images. Shading and layered images do not translate well in the world of card stunts. The design service is included in cost of the card stunt.
Proposals for traditional card stunts are based on creating two card stunts (a 5% discount is offered if the client decides to create just one card stunt). The biggest expense in creating a card stunt is the cost to print and package the cards. Each card has to be printed on both sides, packaged and shipped to the venue regardless of the number of stunts. One of the big “wows” in card stunts is seeing the image transform from stunt #1 to stunt #2. Therefore, two card stunts are normally created for each event.
The computer software created by Kivett Productions makes it possible to create an unlimited number of card stunts. In 2001, Kivett Productions created 7 card stunts with 20,000 cardholders for the World Track and Field Championships in Edmonton, Alberta. In 2015, we create 13 Card Stunts for the India Hero League Soccer Opening Ceremonies.
Traditional stunt cards are made with cover stock paper that has a small “viewing rectangle” cut into it. Each card is folded and placed in a plastic bag (to protect it from the elements). The card stunt cost includes printing the cards, placing them in plastic bags and shipping the cards to the venue. For custom-printed bags there is a surcharge of 12 cents per card.
The cards arrive at the venue on pallets, in boxes sorted by section and row. Local volunteer groups are hired to tape the cards to the seats. Military groups like college ROTC cadets are preferred. An honorarium of $10 per hour is paid to each group that helps place the cards in the seats.
A team from Kivett Productions will be on-site to coordinate the placement of the cards in the venue and coordinate the execution of the card stunts. Support items that are supplied by the client include: at least one golf cart, one pallet jack and a table with four chairs for the card stunt team’s home base. All labor and travel expenses are included in the cost of the card stunt.
Depending on the number of cards, the placement of the cards in the seats may take anywhere from four hours to two full days. Placement is normally done the day before the event or the two days prior to the event.
A small piece of tape is used to attach the cards to the seats. Stadium Management should be made aware of this; however, there has never been a problem with the tape not coming off the seats. Kivett Productions is not responsible for removing the tape from the seats after the event. We suggest making an announcement after the card stunt asking the audience to remove the tape from their seat.
Timing for a Card Stunt is crucial. The Stunt should happen when the most people are in their seats, and it should happen in conjunction with other show elements (e.g., as a backdrop for the National Anthem or a presentation). For football games, it is recommended that the Stunt happen as close to kick off as possible. If the stunt is part of a halftime celebration, the celebration should be such that it will keep the audience in their seats. During NASCAR races, the stunts normally happen during the National Anthem and right before the race. If two card stunts are being created, it is recommended that the stunts happen back to back or in close proximity to each other.
Card stunts help keep fans in their seats. History shows that people who are involved in a card stunt will be in their seat when it is time to perform the stunt. Kivett Productions’ card stunts have a 99% audience participation rate.
Part of the card stunt cost includes creating all the instructions required to instruct the audience on when and how to perform the card stunts. Instructions and diagrams that outline when to hold up the card and how to hold the card are printed on each card. PA announcements, written by Kivett Productions, should be read several times before the card stunt. A very quick rehearsal normally takes place a few minutes before the card stunt happens. The PA announcements create an opportunity for the participants to become familiar with their card, and the announcements get the entire stadium excited about the card stunt. This results in a high percentage of audience members remaining in their seat when the stunt happens, so they can see the magic unfold.
Note, if rain is expected, a PA announcement should be made asking the card holders to keep their card in the plastic bag until right before the Card Stunt.
There are three ways to cue the audience. Normally at least two of the three formats are used to cue the audience.
- Audience Leaders –volunteers who hold up large cue cards
- Stadium PA announcer
- Large-format video screens
- There are several ways for the card stunt sponsor to get recognition:
- Include the sponsor name and logo in the card stunt design.
- Include the sponsor name and logo on each stunt card.
- Insert a sponsor brochure, coupon or product sample in the bags that protect the cards (these must be flat and thin).
- Recognize the sponsor via in-stadium advertising and announcements.
- Card stunts allow sponsors to get their message in the hands of their target audience for the duration of the event.
- Design input
- Team/sponsor logos and style guides
- Stadium photographs, seating manifest and seating chart
- Information about the overall show concept: How does the card stunt fit into the big picture?
- Venue availability: When can we place the cards in the seats? Are there any events happening in the stadium on the days we plan to install the cards?
Depending on the number of seats included in the card stunt, the number of stunts being performed, and the location of the venue, the lead time to create a card stunt ranges from one week to six weeks.
Smoke from fireworks and other pyrotechnic effects block the view of the card stunt. It is recommended that these effects not be used in conjunction with the card stunts. If pyrotechnics must be used, it is recommended they be used several minutes before the Card Stunts or after the Card Stunts.
Card stunt costs vary based on the type of Card Stunt (Traditional, Billboard with Paper Cards, Billboard with Rigid Cards), the number of cards, the number of stunts, the complexity of the stunts and the location of the venue. For traditional Card Stunts, the costs range from $1.00 per seat to $3.00 per seat. For Billboard Card Stunts using paper, the costs range from $5.00 per seat for 500 cards to $45.00 per seat for 100 cards. For Billboard Card Stunts using rigid Coroplast, the costs range from $38.00 per seat for 500 cards to $69.00 per seat for 100 cards.
For additional information or a cost estimate, please contact Joe Kivett.
Phone: 407-342-0752