Kivett Productions created two Card Stunts for the annual Military Appreciation Game between the Quakes and the Galaxy at Stanford Stadium on June 25, 2016. The Card Stunts included 14,000 cards.
Kivett Productions created three ONE TEAM ONE NATION Card Stunts for the U.S. Men’s Soccer Team as they fought to qualify for the 2017 World Cup. The Card Stunts happened in San Jose, Newark, and Orlando.
Kivett Productions created two Card Stunts for the annual Military Appreciation Game between the Quakes and the Galaxy at Stanford Stadium on July 1, 2017. The Card Stunts included 6,000 cards.
Kivett Productions created a Card Stunt for the Chivas OmniLife Stadium Grand Opening event in Guadalajara, Mexico, on July 30, 2010. CLICK HERE TO VIEW 360 IMAGE OF STADIUM