Kivett Productions created Card Stunts in three different cities to promote Colgate’s Bright Smiles, Bright Future’s initiative that educates low-income kids on dental health.
Kivett Productions created one Card Stunt for Sir Paul McCartney during a concert at Fenway Park commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Beatles’ first visit to America. 20,000 fans held up cards that read “WELCOME BACK PAUL” on July 17, 2016.
5,000 Oprah fans held up solid white cards to create two giant video screens during this star-studded event that celebrated Oprah Winfrey’s amazing career. Images were projected on the Card Stunt screens during a speech by Madonna. The show took place at the United Center in Chicago, Ill., in May 2011.
On October 3, 2015, Showtime Group and Kivett Productions created 13 Card Stunts during the Opening Ceremony for the Hero India Soccer League or HISL. 1,500 people held up "card books" to create the images.
Kivett Productions created a unique Corvette Guitar Stunt with 81 Corvettes to celebrate the 5th Anniversary of the Rockin’ Roller Coaster at Disney’s Hollywood Studios.
Kivett Productions created seven Card Stunts for the World Championships in Athletics in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, in August 2001. Each Card Stunt included 20,000 cards.
A “HI TV FANS” Card Stunt was featured on the Cover of Sports Illustrated on November 26, 1956. The 1950s were the Heyday of Card Stunts. The 1950s saw more Card Stunts than any other decade because many colleges were creating Card Stunts at their football games.