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Chick-Fil-A Peach Bowl Card Stunt – 2016

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On Dec. 31, 2016, Andi Jones had the opportunity of a lifetime: to sing on the field of the Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl. Singing in front of more than 70,000 people was no match for Jones, an aspiring singer whose music and spirit is unhindered by her ironic medical diagnosis. Kivett Productions had the honor of producing the card stunt that provided the backdrop for her stunning performance.

Ohio State Buckeyes – Nike – 2016

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Kivett Productions created a Card Stunt with 12,000 Ohio State Buckeyes fans at the Michigan vs Ohio State game on November 26, 2016. The Card Stunt read “ANY FIELD EVERY TIME” and was sponsored by Nike. The Card Stunt was produced by Kivett Productions with help from the OSU “Block O” committee.

Virginia Tech Hokies – 2016

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Kivett Productions created a Card Stunt with 16,000 Hokies fans that spelled out THIS IS HOME for their Homecoming game vs. East Carolina.  The Card Stunt was sponsored by Coca-Cola and Kroger; each card had a coupon for a free 1.25-liter Coke at any Kroger store.

Texas A&M Card Stunt – The World’s Largest Non-NASCAR Stunt – 2015

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Kivett Productions created a Card Stunt with 102,000+ Texas A&M fans during the Auburn vs. Texas A&M Football Game on November 7, 2015. The Card Stunt holds the record as the World’s Largest Card Stunt performed in a football stadium. (Kivett Productions produced the World’s Largest Card Stunt ever at the Bristol Motor Speedway with 128,000 cards.) The Card Stunt promoted a $4 Billion Capital Campaign that was announced on November 5.